If you are serious about improving your game, complete this "Golfer Performance Quiz" so we can help you establish a sound plan

  1. -------- Your Information
  2. Your Name:(*)
    Please type your full name.
  3. Email Address:(*)
    Invalid email address.
  4. Contact Phone:(*)
    Invalid Input
  5. -------- Your Questions
  6. What is the most important and most vital issue concerning you about your golf game? (*)
    Invalid Input
  7. What is the number one concern or issue you have about your golf swing?(*)
    Invalid Input
  8. What one question would you like to have answered about your game or swing that you haven’t found the answer to anywhere?(*)
    Invalid Input
  9. If you could create the ultimate golf video that would improve your swing the most what would it show?(*)
    Invalid Input
  10. What is the number one (1) golf question you would like to ask PGA Professional Larry Wise?(*)
    Invalid Input
  11. -------- Info Select
  12. Are you left handed or right handed as a person?(*)
    Invalid Input
  13. Do you swing/play golf right handed or left handed? (*)
    Invalid Input
  14. Do you have an established USGA Handicap Index?(*)
    Invalid Input
  15. If so, what is your established USGA Handicap Index?
    Invalid Input
  16. What is your Gender?(*)
    Invalid Input
  17. What is your current age (In Years)?(*)
    Invalid Input
  18. What is your Birth Date?
    Invalid Input
  19. How long have you played golf (In Years)?(*)
    Invalid Input
  20. How many 18-hole rounds do you play in calendar year?(*)
    Invalid Input
  21. What is your lowest 18-hole score ever?(*)
    Invalid Input
  22. What is the number one major reason you play golf?(*)
    Invalid Input
  23. Where do you play the majority of your golf?(*)
    Invalid Input
  24. Are you a member of a private club or course?(*)
    Invalid Input
  25. Where is your primary residence (City, ST)?(*)
    Invalid Input
  26. Number of other household members that play golf?(*)
    Invalid Input
  27. Would you like to Register for our Email Game Improvement Club? It's protected and exclusive to us!(*)
    Invalid Input
  28. (*)
    Captcha ImageReload captcha image challenge
    Invalid Input